Monday, February 28, 2011

stuco results for 2011-2012

Student Body President:  Dillon Walker
VicePresident: Dani Erwin

Senior Reps

Kali Haskins
Yesenia Hernandez
Felicia Severson
Kyleigh Shaw
Alex Christian
Abby Wallace

Junior Reps

Malachi Leece
Madison Mitchell
Jordan Chaffee
Ellen Rogers
Abigail Naaykens
Sarah Sewell
Katelyn Hare

Sophomore Reps

Beth Monroe
Lydia Proctor
Jocelyn Wheeler
Maddy Anderson
Stacy Spink
Arlyssa Moss
Kaylann Badgley


Redette Try-outs will be March 14-17 in the girls' gym. All girls
interested in trying out should attend a meeting with their parents on
Monday, March 7th at 6:00pm in Cardinal Theater.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Seniors and Webb City's Got Talent

> Seniors if you want your pictures in the senior slide show - the
> deadline to turn them in is next Friday, March 4th. Be sure they
> are labeled.
> Webb City's Got talent - would you like to show off yours? come see
> Mrs. Reed - room 305 for a flyer and to set up an audition...

CA II recovery

> If you need CA II recovered from last semester, please sign up in
> front of Mary Sears' classroom by the end of the week. Sign up for
> 3 sessions.
> FTA Members must sign up with Mrs. Sears by Wednesday in order to
> attend Observation Day on Friday.

Prom Committee

> The Prom Committee will meet on THURSDAY this week in stead of
> Wednesday due to the Univ. of Arkansas trip.
> This is a very important meeting as we are choosing the Prom favors
> we are going to order. This meeting will last at least until 3:00
> and maybe later.
> Meet in Mrs. Daugherty's room -- 604 at 2:10.

Spring Play Auditions

Auditions for the Spring Play, Flowers for Algernon, will be today in Cardinal Theatre at 3:00.  Please get there early.


National Honor Society Meeting
March 30 at 7:20 in Library

Monday, February 21, 2011

Congratulations to Andrew Pisechko. He has been notified he has met
all of the requirements and has qualified as a National Merit
finalist. The National Merit Scholarship Program is currently in the
process of selecting Merit Scholarship winners from the group of
National Merit Finalists.
Terry Rose


Attention FBLA students.  We will be leaving for competition in Carthage on Wednesday morning.  Meet in the cafeteria at 7:45.  Remember to dress professionally and bring money for lunch. 

Yearbook Staff

Any student interested in being on the 2011-2010 yearbook staff should come by room 100 to get an application.  The applications are due on Friday, February 25th

This announcement is for students completing grades 9-11 this year, who have a 3.0 GPA & who are interested in THE LION'S PRIDE SUMMER YOUTH LEADERSHIP PROJECT AT LINDENWOOD UNIVERSITY.

It is a 3 day conference, June 15-17, 2011

"The conference is designed to recognize high school students who possess an affinity for helping others and who demonstrate exceptional leadership skills.......students will develop a deeper understanding of their roles in social change and to connect them to specific opportunities to  act inservice to others.

Deadline March 15, 2011  Contact Mrs. Rose as soon as possible if you are interested in being nominated.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Attention junior and senior honor diploma students who signed up to work at the 
Webster Elementary School Patriot Festival is on Saturday, Feb. 26 (11-4)

You should sign in at the Webster office and be sure to sign out when you leave.    This proves that you worked at this event!!!  You do not need yellow or blue forms.  Mrs. Lee will send Mrs. Rose proof of your work for your honor diploma!!!

If you are not going to work contact  Mrs. Lee at 673-6060 or Mrs Rose.

Arrive at 11:00 and you can work until 4:00.  You can count  3 hours.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

College Representative

> Representative from Central Methodist University will be here
> Tuesday, February 22nd at 10:00.
> Any junior or senior should sign up in the counseling center.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Students interested in engineering may want to consider applying for the Mizzou Engineering summer camp program.  
There are two 6-day sessions.
July 10-15,2011
July 17-22,2011

 Students should be presently enrolled as a high school sophomore or junior and be in the upper 25% of their class.  They should have completed one or more laboratory science courses and at least two units of high school math.  Enrollment is limited, so apply early.

check out this link for more information

College Representative

> City Pointe Beauty Academy will be here on Tuesday, March 1st at
> 9:30 a.m.

Seniors interested in taking Marketing Internship

> Next year's Seniors who are interested in enrolling in the Marketing
> Internship must complete an application and be approved before they
> can enroll in the class. Pick up an application in room 903.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

College Representative

Stephens College will be here on Tuesday, March 8th at 9:30.
Any interested juniors or seniors may sign up in the counseling center.


> Any student interested in taking Journalism (newspaper) next year,
> will need to apply to be in the class. Apps are due to Pace by
> Friday, 2/25, and can be picked up in Room 200.

Counselor Helper

Counselor Helper applications are now available in the counseling office.

Monday, February 14, 2011

girls basketball senior night tonight

> The Lady Cardinals will host Carthage this evening. The JV game
> begins at 6pm and will be followed by Senior night activities which
> should start around 715, followed by the varsity game. Tonight will
> be the last opportunity to watch this wonderful group of kids play
> basketball at home. We would love to see you this evening
> supporting them as well as remainder of the season. Thank you.
> Coach Shorter

Waiver Exam

The waiver exam is rescheduled for next Wednesday, February 23rd from 3-5.  

Comp. App. I

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Michelle O'Banion" <>
Date: February 14, 2011 11:56:09 AM CST
To: "'Jennifer Beem'" <>
Subject: announcement

The Computer I waiver exam scheduled for tomorrow has been canceled.  It will be rescheduled in the next two weeks.  See Mrs. Michelle O'Banion in room 105 if you have additional questions.
Michelle O'Banion
Business Instructor
Webb City High School
Webb City, MO


> There will be a meeting for all boys interested in playing tennis
> this spring on Thursday Feb. 17 at 7:15 in room 202.

Boys tennis meeting

There will be a meeting for all boys interested in playing tennis this
spring on Thursday February 17 at 7:15 am in room 202.

Book Orders/NHS

Scholastic Book Orders are due with Money
to Library by Tuesday the 22nd.

National Honor Society Meeting Wednesday February 23rd at 7:20 in Library.

Yearbook Staff

> Any current Sophomore or Junior interested in being on the yearbook
> staff
> next year needs to come by room 100 to pick up an application. The
> deadline
> for applications is Friday, February 25th.


Attention FBLA Members.  If you are taking an online test for your
competition we will be going to Carthage tomorrow, February 15th.  We will
leave from the bus turn around at 10:30.  You do not need to dress up for
this.  Bring money for lunch.  

Children's Play

This year's children's play ahs been reschedule to perform for the public on Feb 24 at 7:00 PM.


> We will have FCA starting back up this Thursday at 7 am in the girls
> gym.


We will have FCA starting back up this Thursday at 7 am in the girls gym

Janel Smith

Spring Show

> The read through for the spring show, Flowers for Algernon, will be
> on Thursday at 3:00 in Cardinal Theatre. Anyone interested in
> auditioning for the spring show is more than welcome to attend.

College Rep

A representative from Ft. Scott Community College will be here on Wednesday, February 23rd at 12:45 p.m.
Any interested junior or senior may sign up in the counseling center.

Juniors interested in medicine may want to apply for the Mini Medical School at the University of Missouri in Columbia.    This uniquie one week summer experience is for students who are current juniors who are academically talented & want a preview of medical school. 

Sessions are June 19-23, 2011 or
June 26-30, 2011

The fee is $525.  $250 is due after students receive notification of acceptance
Scholarship/financial aid is available
The application postmark deadline is March 1, 2011

Contact Mrs. Rose as soon as possible if you are interested!