Friday, September 30, 2011

Senior Special Olympic Volunteers

Friday, October 7th
Leave class at 8:00.  
Teachers have a list of your names.  

Meet in the hall by the counselors. Mr. Mayes and Mrs. Beem will divide you in to two groups.  You will then board busses in the swimming pool parking lot area. ALL STUDENTS MUST RIDE THE BUS!

No lunch will be provided.  Bring a lunch and drink or money to buy a lunch and drink at the bowling alley.  NO FOOD SHOULD BE ORDERED & DELIVERED!

All students will return to the school for the assembly. One bus will return earlier to bring students who must help with the assembly.

If you have questions contact Mr. Mayes.

Attention Honor Diploma juniors and seniors and A+ students

If you are tutoring at the elementary schools or middle school, you
MUST tutor only at Carterville, Harry S Truman, Middle School and or
Bess Truman. You can not make arrangements to tutor on your own!!!
You MUST check in at the school offices and tutor where the principal
assigns you to tutor. The Principals have set up these rules and you
should NOT arrange to tutor with your mom, aunt or any other teacher
without the principal approving the assignment!
Terry Rose


> The Library Media Center will be OPEN on Wednesday, October 5th until 4:00 for students to read and research.
> Scholastic Book order forms are now available for October.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Senior Class Shirt Designs

For sale during white day lunches for $12 each.  See Mrs. Beem or a stuco member if you have questions.

Begin forwarded message:

Junior Shirt Designs

For sale during white day lunches $12 each.  See Mrs. Beem or a stuco member for more details.


Sophomore Shirt Designs

For sale during white day lunches $12 each.  See Mrs. Beem or a stuco member for more details. 

Freshmen shirt designs

For sale during white day lunches $12 each.  See Mrs. Beem or a stuco member for more details.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

College Reps

> Labette Community College will be in the cafeteria during lunches on Thursday, September 29th.
> Representatives from the following colleges are coming to the high school. Any interested seniors
> must sign up in the counseling center.
> Missouri State University, Wed. October 5th at 1:00
> University of Missouri Columbia, Wednesday, October 26th at 8:30 a.m.
> University of Arkansas, Tuesday, November 1st at 930 a.m.

Young Republicans

> Young Republicans planning on going to Jefferson City need to get their permission slips from Mrs. Uselmann.
> These must be filled out and returned on Monday, October 3.


Footloose t-shirt money is due by Oct. 3rd.  There will not be a re-order.  Take your envelope to Mrs. Sumler.

Footloose teen girls please come to Barton Theatre at 3pm.

Homecoming is next week!

Homecoming is next week.  Stuco has some great things planned.  Here are the details:

Dress Up Days
Monday:  Dress for Success Day
Tuesday:  Bad Hair Day
Wednesday: College T-shirt Day
Thursday:  Geeky Day
Friday:  White Out Day

6:30 p.m. on Friday, October 7, prior to the football game. 

Homecoming Dance
The theme is Techno on the Tennis Court White Out
from 9:30 to 11:30 at the tennis courts
wear white
Tickets will be on sale for $3 in advance after school every day next week and at the dance.  
All out of school dates must be approved by Mrs. Heman by Wednesday, October 5.  Pick up approval request forms at the main office.


> There will be an FBLA Meeting on Tuesday, October 4th at 7:20 in room 100.
> We will collect dues and elect officers.


> The Jr. Class still needs concession workers. The lists are posted outside Room 604 (Mrs. Daugherty's room).
> Remember, this is our only way to make money for Prom.

Spanish Club

> Spanish Club dues MUST be paid by Friday of this week. If you haven't paid your dues by Friday, you won't be in Spanish club.
> Dues are 10.00 and include a club t-shirt.


> FCCLA $5.00 dues need to be paid to Mrs. Cook in room 103 or Mrs. Smith in room 204. Dues must be paid by friday, October 7th in order to go to regional meeting on October 11th.


> FCA is sponsoring See You At The Pole tomorrow morning at 7 am. Meet at the high school's flag pole. Football player - Kellen Cox from MSSU is our featured speaker. See You At The Pole tomorrow at 7 am.
> FCA is having a game day for our regular meeting this Thursday at 7 am in the girls' gym. The next leadership meeting is next Tuesday.


> Dont forget to come out to the soccer game tonight 5pm JV and 6:30pm Varsity. We will be hosting Carl Junction.

Cardinal Review (Book Club)

> The Cardinal Review, formerly known as Book Club, is selling t-shirts. If you would like to purchase a shirt, give Ms. Soper $9 by this Wednesday. This is a one-time order, so be sure to purchase a shirt! If you have money, questions, or concerns, see Ms. Soper in room 703.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Attention junior and senior honor diploma students. Here is a good
way to earn community service hours. Coach Klosterman would love to
have some students help out with stopwatch timing Saturday, October
1st at 1:00. Contact him as soon as possible if you are interested.
His office is in the swimming pool building.

Terry Rose

Friday, September 23, 2011

homecoming dress up days--October 3-7

Monday: Dress for Success Day
Tuesday: Bad Hair Day
Wednesday: College T-shirt Day
Thursday: Geeky Day
Friday: White Out/ Neon Day

College Rep

> Labette Community College Thursday, Sept. 29th In Cafeteria during lunches
Seniors who are interested in attending Washington University in St
Louis should talk to Mrs. Miller regarding the Danforth Scholarship.
It has a due date so talk to her as soon as possible.

Terry Rose

Thursday, September 22, 2011

LifeChoices is needing volunteers to enter data in the computer.
If interested in volunteering call Shannon Wendt, Director at 417-437-3191
Wednesday, September 28th at 3:00 is the first opportunitiy to volunteer.  Call before volunteering.
531 E. 7th Street Joplin, MO.

Homecoming Court

Congratulations to the following ladies who were selected by the student body to be part of the 2011 Fall Homecoming Court:


Freshman Attendant:  Alyx Wales

Sophomore Attendant:  Zoey Beck

Junior Attendant:  Katie Hare


Senior Candidates for Homecoming Queen:


Courtney Chambers

Kali Haskins

Laney Knieb

Hannah Sanders

Kyleigh Shaw

Brittany Stever


Please join us for the coronation ceremony on October 7, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. to find out who will be named 2011 Fall Homecoming Queen.

Juniors and Spanish Club

ATTN:  Jr. Class Members!  There are still open spots to work concession stand.  Free Prom tickets for working at Football games.  Sign up outside Room 604 - Mrs. Daugherty's room

Spanish club dues are due to Mrs. Daugherty or Mrs. Gollhofer by Sept. 30.  They are 10.00 and that includes your club t-shirt.  After Sept. 30, you will NOT be able to join Spanish Club.

On Sep 19, 2011, at 3:03 PM, Jennifer Beem wrote:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Book Club

Do you love Lost? The Hunger Games? Suspenseful survival stories? If so, the Cardinal Review, formerly known as Book Club, invites you to read our October book choice The Lord of the Flies. The Lord of the Flies can be purchased at Books a Million for $8. Ask for Ms. Soper's book club selection at the front desk. 

Book club is also ordering t-shirts. If you are interested in a shirt, give Ms. Soper $9 and your t-shirt size. All shirt money is due by Wednesday, September 28 at 2:45pm. This is a one-time order, so be sure to get your shirt while you still can!

If you have t-shirt money, questions, or concerns, see Ms. Soper in room 703.

College rep

> College Representatives from the following schools will be here:
> Missouri State University Wednesday, October 5th 1:00 p.m.
> University of Missouri Wednesday October 26th 8:30 a.m.
> University of Arkansas Tuesday, November 1st 9:30 a.m.
> Any interested senior needs to sign up in the counseling center.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


> 1. Current Senior National Honor Society Members - - Meeting starts promptly at 7:15 this Tuesday with pictures for yearbook followed by officer elections.
> Also, your Signed Requirements form and item donations collected for the Carnival Silent Auction need to be turned in.
> 2. Scholastic Book Orders due this FRIDAY with money in the Library Media Center.

College Reps

> Representatives from the following colleges will be visiting the high school:
> William Woods University Wednesday, September 22nd 10:00 a.m.
> Missouri State University Wednesday, October 5th 1:00 p.m.
> University of Missouri Wednesday, October 26th 8:30 a.m.
> Interested seniors need to sign up in the counselors office.

Math League

> Math league practice Thursday after school in room 600.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Class T-shirt sales

The top class t-shirt designs have been chosen and sales have started. You can order your shirt at lunch on white days. Each class will have two shirt designs available for $12 each. You must prepay.

Soccer game day

Its game day. Soccer Game on Tuesday Sep 20th. JV at pm varsity at 6:30pm.


> National Art Honor Society will meet Thursday at 7:15 am


> FCA Leadership meeting will be next Tuesday, Sept. 27th at 7:15am

Friday, September 16, 2011

corrected version

Any student who has completed an outstanding community service project needs to talk to Mrs. Rose about the Prudential Spirit of Community Award program.  The service should have occurred at least in part after Sept. 1, 2010.  

Students 9-12 are eligible to enter this national competition.  Students must be legal residents of one of the 50 states.  Only one student from the high school will be selected to participate.  If you are interested contact Mrs. Rose by Sept. 28th.

Any student who has completed an outstanding community service project needs to talk to Mrs. Rose about the Prudential Spirit of Community Award program.  The service should have occurred at least in part after Sept. 1, 2010.  

Students 9-12 are eligible to enter this national competition.  Students must be legal residents of Missouri.  Only one student from the high school will be selected to participate.  If you are interested contact Mrs. Rose by Sept. 28th.

2011-2012 Honor Guard Selections

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Wentworth Military Academy

There will be a representative from WMA here Sep 30 at Cardinal theater 3:00 pm.  CPT Moore will present the benefits, scholarships, etc.  

Monday, September 12, 2011

Math League

> Anyone interested in participating in Math League will need to attend a Math League meeting Thursday morning at 7:15 in room 600

Chanters/Key Club

> Tryouts for the 2011-2012 Chanters will be September 20-23. Interested students should pick up a tryout packet and check the tryout schedule in Room 200 as soon as possible. To tryout, you must complete the application, secure three teacher evaluations, and have a current physical on file with the school or get one prior to tryout practices.
> The first meeting for KEY CLUB will be next Monday, Sept. 19, at 7:15 in Room 200. Key Club is a community service organization affiliated with Kiwanis Club, International. Everyone who wants to contribute to their community is invited to attend. If you want to be in Key Club but are unable to attend the meeting, please see Ms. Pace in Room 200.

Science Club

> The first monthly Science Club meeting will be held Wednesday morning 7:15 Mrs. Campbell's Classroom Room 205. Officers and tshirts will be voted on! If you are interested in a fun academic club please come and check out Science Club!! By the way donuts will be served!

Book Orders

> Book orders and money are due to Library by the 23rd.


> National Honor Society Officer Applications need to turn in before the 15th, Ten Dollar Dues are due by September 27th
> NHS students are responsible for getting and turning in Carnival Silent Auction Items from two businesses before September 27th
> September 27th TUESDAY 7:20 NHS Group Picture in Library Media Center then Candidate speeches and Officer Voting - - Please Put this down so you are not late!


> FCCLA officers will meet this wednesday, during study hall in Mrs. Cook's room 103.


> "There will be a 2012 Project Graduation Parent Meeting on Tuesday, Sept 13 at 6:30 p.m. in room 103. Please let your parents know."
> "Seniors - if you want to be in the senior slide show, please get pictures to Mrs. Reed. Check the poster in the commons 'senior' board for details."

Book Club

Book Club will discuss The Perks of Being a Wallflower on Thursday, September 15 at 2:45, immediately following study hall. Come and enjoy exciting discussion and delicious treats! If you have any questions, see Ms. Soper in room 703.

FCA Leadership

There is a FCA leadership meeting tomorrow at 7:15 in Mrs. Smith's classroom.


> FCA Thursday at 7am in the girls' gym. There will be a 5th quarter party after the football game this Friday. Come to FCA on Thursday to get more details.

Spanish Club

> The first Spanish Club meeting will be Tuesday September 20 at 7:15am in the girls gym. We will take nominations for officers, and discuss club activities. To join Spanish club, you must be a current or previous Spanish student.

College Representatives

> Representatives from the following colleges will be visiting the HS. Any interested seniors need to sign up in the counseling center.
> Truman State University - Wed. Sept. 14th 8:15 a.m.
> WIlliam Woods University - Wed. Sept. 22nd 10:00 a.m.
> Missouri State University - Wed. October 5th 1:00 p.m.
> University of Missouri - Wed. October 5th 1:00 p.m.

Footloose Auditions

> Auditions for Footloose are TONIGHT from 6-9pm and TOMORROW from 3-6. You need only attend one. Pick up an audition packet and bring it filled out and signed to auditions.


> FBLA will meet on Wednesday, September 14th at 7:20 in room 100. We will
> discuss the upcoming year, competition, and election of officers. Doughnuts
> will be served!!


> Please go by Mrs. Sears's room to get a penpal name for FTA. All FTA dues are due by today, or you can't join! September 19 is teacher movie night at 6:00 in Mrs. Sears's room.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Attention A+ and Junior and Senior Honor Diploma Students

Do not put off earning tutoring hours this year as tutoring
opportunities can be limited. Tutoring information regarding schools
which are participating in offering tutoring is located in the
counselors' office and Mrs. Rose's office.

Terry Rose

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Library/NHS announcements for Sept.

> September Library News:
> Scholastic student book orders are due September 23rd
> Library will be open until 4:00 for students to read and research on September 7th
> September NHS News
> NHS Meeting in Library at 7:20 on September 27th
> Be sure to bring your dues, signed requirements page, and donated items for the carnival for the two businesses you asked/signed up for
> We will be signing up for carnival game and activity responsibilities for NHS/STUCO Fall Carnival Friday, October 28th
> NHS Yearbook Pictures at 7:20
> Election of Officers at 7:25

FCCLA officers

New officers for FCCLA

President & Co-President:  Amanda Davied and Abigail Naaykens

 1st Vice-President - Sarah Phillips

2nd Vice-President - Brooklyn Hayden 

Secretary – Kyleigh Shaw

Treasurer – Kirsten Robertson

Historian – Kali Haskins 

Reporter – Autumn McLaughlin

 Parliamentarian – Kristen Gorda

 Recreation Leader – Laura Wald

 New officers need to go to room 103 and see Mrs. Cook for instructions for officer training on September 8th.


Book Club

Book Club's September selection, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, is available for purchase at Books a Million. Ask for Ms. Soper's book club book at the front desk. If you have any questions or concerns, ask Ms. Soper in room 703. 


> Footloose read through will be this Thursday Sept. 8th in room T-1 from 3-5:30.

Science Club

> Anyone that is wanting to be an officer for Science club - we are meeting Friday morning in room 205 Mrs. Campbell's class.
> Regular science club meetings will be the 2nd wed of the month. Next wednesday will be the first meeting 7:15 Room 205


> There will be an FBLA Meeting on Wednesday, Sept 14th at 7:20 am in room
> 100. We will discuss the upcoming year, competition, and election of
> officers.


> FTA Meeting tomorrow at 7:15 a.m. in Room 801. Pay $5 dues then.

FCA Leadership

> FCA leadership needs to give Mrs. Smith $2 for donuts by tomorrow.

Project Grad

> Next Project Graduation Parent Meeting is Tuesday, Sept 13 at 6:30 p.m. in room 103. Please let your parents know.


1.  Mrs. Nancy O'Banion needs lids.  The kinds that would find on top of Pringles cans or plastic containers.  They are for making costumes for the children's play.

2.  Auditions for the musical Footloose will be Monday Sept. 12th from 6-9pm and Tue. Sept. 13th from 3-6 pm.  You only need to attend one of the dates.  Audition packets coming soon.


> Seniors: Tomorrow's Leaders Today (TLT) applications are now available in the WCHS Counseling Center. The completed TLT applications are due back in the counseling center Monday, September 19, 2011. Requirements for the program include: leadership potential, interest in furthering knowledge of the Joplin region, and commitment to full participation in TLT. The selection process will include an interview.

Chanters/Key Club

> 1. Tryouts for the 2011-2012 Chanters will be Sept 20-23. Anyone interested in trying out needs to pick up a packet from Ms. Pace in Room 200 this week.
> 2. Key Club, a community service club affiliated with Kiwanis International, will have its first meeting next Monday, Sept. 19 at 7:15 in Room 200. Everyone is invited to attend.


FCA starts this Thursday at 7am in the girls' gym.


> Soccer game tonight at Willard. Good luck team.


> National Honor Society Officers need to turn in application before the 15th
> Library Media Center will be open until 4:00 Wednesday the 7th for students to research and read

College Biology Students

> Reminder for all students in College Biology that they need to return their forms and money TODAY to Mr. Thornton or Mrs. Talbot in order to enroll for college credit.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Tomorrow's Leaders Today

Seniors:  Tomorrow's Leaders Today (TLT) applications are now available in the WCHS Counseling Center.  The completed TLT applications are due back in the counseling center Monday, September 19, 2011.  Requirements for the program include: leadership potential, interest in furthering knowledge of the Joplin region, and commitment to full participation in TLT.  The selection process will include an interview.  






Juniors and Seniors who are Honor Diploma or A+ students may sign up
to volunteer for Special Olympics on Thursday, September 8th or Friday
September 9th. Sign up at Mrs. Rose's office door. We want to be
sure to take only the number of volunteers actually needed therefore
signing up does not guarantee you will be able to volunteer. We may
need to draw names depending on the number of signups.

Terry Rose

Thursday, September 1, 2011

College Representatives

> Ft. Scott Community College 9/7/11 12:45 p.m.
> Truman State University 9/14/11 8:15 a.m.
> William Woods University 9/22/11 10:00 a.m.
> Missouri State University 10/5/11 1:00 p.m.
> University of Missouri 10/5/11 1:00 p.m.

College Representative

> Labette Community College will be in the cafeteria during all lunches on Thursday, September 29th.