Friday, December 16, 2011

Thinking about a career in Medicine?????

Juniors interested in medicine may want to apply for the Mini Medical School at the University of Missouri in Columbia.    This one week summer experience is provided by the Missouri School of Medicine.  It is for medically interested students who are current juniors.  
Sessions are June 17-21, 2012 or
June 24-28, 2012

The fee is $525.  $250 is due after students receive notification of acceptance
Scholarship/financial aid is available
The application postmark deadline is March 1, 2012

Contact Mrs. Rose as soon as possible if you are interested!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


> Seniors - - don't forget to come by the Library Media Center and sign the SENIOR ORNAMENT!
Attention Juniors who went on the University of Arkansas trip. Mrs. Rose has a pink glove which may belong to one of you! It is in Mrs. Rose's office if anyone wants to claim it.
Terry Rose

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

lids needed

> Mrs. Nancy O'Banion is in need of MANY MORE lids! PLEASE bring in plastic lids to be used for costumes for the children's play.


The next FCA Leadership meeting will be after Christmas break on Jan. 4th.  There will be FCA this Thursday at 7am in the girls gym.


> Any Footloose cast or crew member who would like to purchase a Bomont shirt must see Mrs. Nancy O'Banion by this Wed. at 3pm.
> Footloose cast and crew your Foos picture money is due this Wed. by 3pm.

College Reps

> Pittsburg State University representative will be here on Wednesday, January 4th at 1:30 p.m.
> Any interested junior or senior should sign up in the counseling center.

National Art Honor Society

> National Art Honor Society meets Thursday morning at 7:15 in room 805

Science Club

> Science Club members are selling candy this week. If you have not yet picked up your candy you may stop by Mr. Hicks room. Must be sold this week to receive your t shirt.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Book Club

> Book Club's December selection is Jay Asher's new novel, "The Future of Us." If you are a fan of suspenseful, dramatic stories or of "Thirteen Reasons Why," this book is for you! "The Future of Us" can be purchased at Books a Million. Be sure to ask for the Book Club discount to receive 20% off your purchase of the book.
> Book Club will meet to discuss next semester's plans on Thursday, December 15 at 2:45, immediately following study hall. On Thursday, January 19, Book Club will meet to discuss "The Future of Us." If you have any questions or concerns, see Ms. Soper in room 703.

Yearbook Drawing Winner

> Congratulations to Austin Brock. He was the winner of the $50 yearbook
> drawing. If you haven't turned in your yearbook order form please do so as
> soon as possible.

Children's play

> Audtions for this year's children's play, Goblin Tribes will be held Monday the 12th at 5:00. There will only be one day of auditions this year. See Mr. Eden, Mrs. O'Banion or Mrs. Sumler for an audition packet.


> FTA Concession stand signup for Tuesday, December 13 in Mrs. Sears's room.


> Library Lunacy for December Book A Day Giveaway
> Today's winner is Shelby Tarrant please come by and pick up book
> No December Meeting
> If December Graduate you MUST meet with Mrs. Augspurger or you may not be graduating with NHS Honors


> JROTC Cadets be at the First Baptist Church by 1415 on Saturday for the
> Christmas Parade.


> all FCCLA members: we will be making fleece blankets after school on Thursday after school. We will be donating the blankets to the Children's Haven and Children's Center for Christmas. Please come and help make blankets for children.


> Time to put on your dancing shoes!
> Premiere of Footloose Thursday Dec. 8th at 7pm. Again on Friday Dec. 9th at 7pm and a matinee on Sunday Dec. 11th at 2pm. Ticket prices are only $2 for students and $4 for adults.

College Representative

> Pittsburg State University Representative will be here on Wednesday, January 4th at 1:30 p.m.
> Any Juniors or Seniors interested in attending need to sign up in the counseling center.

Art Club

> Art Club Christmas party on Monday at 3:00 in Room 805

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Attention Junior and Senior Honor Diploma student

You have been advised not to put off earning the tutoring requirement as tutoring can be limited later in the year.
Now you are advised to earn your community service as soon as possible also. Some organizations in the community may not need your volunteer work and those opportunities may also become limited.

Do not procrastinate on either tutoring or community service hours.

Terry Rose