Thursday, April 26, 2012

Central Ozarks Conference Art Show

We are hosting the COC Art Show this year. It involves the 8 large schools of the COC.
The judged show will be on display Friday and Saturday of this week. Hours for the show are:

Friday: 11-3 and 5-7
Saturday 10-1

The show will be on display at the Junior High Performing Arts Room.

The show is open to the public and includes work from our students, as well as Nixa, Ozark, Republic,
Willard, Neosho, Carthage, Republic and Branson high schools.

Would love to have your support,
Amber Mintert
WCHS Art Educator

Monday, April 23, 2012

Junior shirts

Juniors:  Be sure to pick up your shirt order form from the box by the main office.  Money is due this Wednesday to Jordan Chaffee or Ellen Rogers.  

Book Club

Book Club's May selection Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler and Maira Kalman. We will meet and discuss the novel Thursday, May 10th, immediately following study hall. If you have any questions, ask Ms. Soper in room 703. 

Art Club

All students going to Crystal Bridges on Saturday need to talk to Mrs. Mintert this week.


The JROTC award ceremony will be held at the VFW in Webb City this Wednesday, 25 April.  The uniform is Class A's.  It will start at 1800 or 6 pm and end approx. 2000 or 8 pm.  A meal will be provided and your parents are welcome.
Camp cadets the meeting with your parents will be at 1730 or 5:30 at the VFW.

Spanish Club/ Redettes

Spanish Club, if you are going to Silver Dollar City with us, the deadline to sign up and pay $10 is Wednesday April 25!  There are no exceptions to this deadline.

2012-2013 Redettes:  Coach has sample sizes of camp gear in her room.  You need to stop by after school today or tomorrow to choose your sizes.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

WCHS FREE Physicals....Wednesday, May 2nd

The Annual Freeman Sports Medicine "FREE" Physical Night will be held on Wednesday, May 2nd at WCHS.  These evaluations will take place at the Auxilary Gym.  Times are as follows:  

Current 6th, 7th and 8th grade WC students 5:30-7:30 pm
Current 9th, 10th and 11th grade WC students 7:30-9:30 pm

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

City Pointe Scholarship

City Pointe Beauty Academy has a scholarship worth $5000.
Applications are due by April 30th.
Anyone interested in attending City Pointe Beauty Academy
needs to complete and turn in that application before the deadline.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Tutoring at Harry S. Truman, Bess Truman, Carterville, and Webster will end on April 18th!!!  Students may tutor at the Middle School until the end of the year and during MAP testing weeks.

Junior Honor Diploma Deadline

The junior honor diploma deadline is Wednesday, April 25!  All paperwork should be turned in to Mrs. Rose prior to the deadline to avoid any mistakes or problems.

Prom King and Queen

Seniors will vote on Prom King and Queen during homeroom on Friday.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Junior ROTC

Junior ROTC cadets going to the PT Olympics in Bolivar meet at the bus turn around at 0520 on Saturday.  Bring money and dress appropriately.  Eat breakfast before you come.


Any student who is interested in going to Europe during the summer of 2013 should see Mr. Langerot.

Spanish Club Silver Dollar City Trip

Spanish Club students who want to go to Silver Dollar City MUST sign up and pay by April 25.  The cost is $10.00.  Pay either Mrs. Gollhofer or Mrs. Daugherty.

ACT workshop

Do you want to improve your ACT score?  There will be an ACT class focusing on the Math, Reading, and English portions of the ACT.  This class will be June 4-8 during summer school hours here at the high school.  The date for the next ACT is June 9th, so take advantage of this beneficial and helpful class.  PLEASE sign up in the Counselor's office.  

If you have any questions, see Ms. Duke or Mr. Hayes.

National Art Honor society

National Art Honor Society will meet on Thursday at 7:15. Seniors please bring your money to order chords for graduation


Everyone is invited Friday night to FCA Night of Champions from 7-11pm at the high school.  We will have a dodgeball tournament, games, snacks, speaker Kellen Cox from MSSU and Axious worship band.  The cost is $5 and you will receive a t-shirt.  You don't have to be a member of FCA to come but all are invited.

FCA Leadership meeting Wednesday at 7:15 in Mrs. Smith's classroom.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Showchoir Audition

The showchoir audition process begins tomorrow morning (Tuesday, April 10) with a rehearsal at 6:45 a.m.  Students interested in Webb City Singers or Bella Voce (pronounced VOH-CHAY) need to get an audition packet from the main office.  Remember, you must have the application filled out, with a parent signature in order to begin rehearsing at 6:45 tomorrow morning!

Basketball and Wresting Banquet

The basketball and wrestling banquet scheduled for this Sunday will be at the Middle School NOT the High School.


Seniors, stop by the main office and pick up a card for the Webb City Sentinel.  Fill it out and attach a picture.  Return ASAP.

Spanish Club/Redettes

Spanish Club meeting tomorrow at 7:15 in the girls' gym to discuss Silver Dollar City trip.

2012-2013 Redettes will have their first meeting this Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in Mrs. Gollhofer's room.  Bring a parent.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Senior Ads

> Any senior that has not received a senior ad order form for the yearbook
> please come by room 100 to get one.

Seniors-Honor Diploma


Get Smart cast

> Get Smart Cast- If you have not had your head shot...see Mrs. Nancy O'Banion (yes it is suppose to be funny)

Prom Tickets

> Prom Tickets will be sold next week after school in the cafeteria. If you are bringing a date who does not attend WCHS, you MUST have your date pre-approved BEFORE you can purchase a prom ticket. Date approval forms are available at the main office now.

College Rep

University of Arkansas representative
Tuesday, April 10th  8:00 a.m.

Any junior or senior interested needs to sign up in the counseling center.


> FTA Meeting at 7:00 in Room 801 on Wednesday, April 4.

Europe 2013

> Any student wanting to go to Europe during the summer of 2013--Italy, France, and Spain, need to see Mr. Langerot asap.

Art Club and NAHS

> Art Club and NAHS sign ups for the Crystal Bridges trip on April 28 start today after study hall.

Get Smart Cast and Crew

> Get Smart Cast and Crew, please be sure you check the board by the teacher's workroom for rehearsal time today! If you have any questions, be sure to ask Mrs. Sumler!


> There will be an FCA Leadership meeting Wednesday morning at 7:15 in Mrs. Smith's classroom.

Spanish Club/Redettes

> Spanish Club will have a meeting NEXT Tuesday, April 10 at 7:15 in the girls gym. We will be discussing our Silver Dollar City trip.
> Redette Try-Outs begin today at 3:00 in the girls gym. If you are not able to make this first practice because you are on the track team, the make-up practice will be tomorrow morning at 6:00 am in the girls gym.