Friday, December 16, 2011

Thinking about a career in Medicine?????

Juniors interested in medicine may want to apply for the Mini Medical School at the University of Missouri in Columbia.    This one week summer experience is provided by the Missouri School of Medicine.  It is for medically interested students who are current juniors.  
Sessions are June 17-21, 2012 or
June 24-28, 2012

The fee is $525.  $250 is due after students receive notification of acceptance
Scholarship/financial aid is available
The application postmark deadline is March 1, 2012

Contact Mrs. Rose as soon as possible if you are interested!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


> Seniors - - don't forget to come by the Library Media Center and sign the SENIOR ORNAMENT!
Attention Juniors who went on the University of Arkansas trip. Mrs. Rose has a pink glove which may belong to one of you! It is in Mrs. Rose's office if anyone wants to claim it.
Terry Rose

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

lids needed

> Mrs. Nancy O'Banion is in need of MANY MORE lids! PLEASE bring in plastic lids to be used for costumes for the children's play.


The next FCA Leadership meeting will be after Christmas break on Jan. 4th.  There will be FCA this Thursday at 7am in the girls gym.


> Any Footloose cast or crew member who would like to purchase a Bomont shirt must see Mrs. Nancy O'Banion by this Wed. at 3pm.
> Footloose cast and crew your Foos picture money is due this Wed. by 3pm.

College Reps

> Pittsburg State University representative will be here on Wednesday, January 4th at 1:30 p.m.
> Any interested junior or senior should sign up in the counseling center.

National Art Honor Society

> National Art Honor Society meets Thursday morning at 7:15 in room 805

Science Club

> Science Club members are selling candy this week. If you have not yet picked up your candy you may stop by Mr. Hicks room. Must be sold this week to receive your t shirt.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Book Club

> Book Club's December selection is Jay Asher's new novel, "The Future of Us." If you are a fan of suspenseful, dramatic stories or of "Thirteen Reasons Why," this book is for you! "The Future of Us" can be purchased at Books a Million. Be sure to ask for the Book Club discount to receive 20% off your purchase of the book.
> Book Club will meet to discuss next semester's plans on Thursday, December 15 at 2:45, immediately following study hall. On Thursday, January 19, Book Club will meet to discuss "The Future of Us." If you have any questions or concerns, see Ms. Soper in room 703.

Yearbook Drawing Winner

> Congratulations to Austin Brock. He was the winner of the $50 yearbook
> drawing. If you haven't turned in your yearbook order form please do so as
> soon as possible.

Children's play

> Audtions for this year's children's play, Goblin Tribes will be held Monday the 12th at 5:00. There will only be one day of auditions this year. See Mr. Eden, Mrs. O'Banion or Mrs. Sumler for an audition packet.


> FTA Concession stand signup for Tuesday, December 13 in Mrs. Sears's room.


> Library Lunacy for December Book A Day Giveaway
> Today's winner is Shelby Tarrant please come by and pick up book
> No December Meeting
> If December Graduate you MUST meet with Mrs. Augspurger or you may not be graduating with NHS Honors


> JROTC Cadets be at the First Baptist Church by 1415 on Saturday for the
> Christmas Parade.


> all FCCLA members: we will be making fleece blankets after school on Thursday after school. We will be donating the blankets to the Children's Haven and Children's Center for Christmas. Please come and help make blankets for children.


> Time to put on your dancing shoes!
> Premiere of Footloose Thursday Dec. 8th at 7pm. Again on Friday Dec. 9th at 7pm and a matinee on Sunday Dec. 11th at 2pm. Ticket prices are only $2 for students and $4 for adults.

College Representative

> Pittsburg State University Representative will be here on Wednesday, January 4th at 1:30 p.m.
> Any Juniors or Seniors interested in attending need to sign up in the counseling center.

Art Club

> Art Club Christmas party on Monday at 3:00 in Room 805

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Attention Junior and Senior Honor Diploma student

You have been advised not to put off earning the tutoring requirement as tutoring can be limited later in the year.
Now you are advised to earn your community service as soon as possible also. Some organizations in the community may not need your volunteer work and those opportunities may also become limited.

Do not procrastinate on either tutoring or community service hours.

Terry Rose

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


There will be an important meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 6th at 7:20 in room 100.  You will need to turn in your competition form and we will be taking our yearbook photo.  Please be there.

Book Club

> Book Club's December selection is Jay Asher's new novel, "The Future of Us." If you are a fan of suspenseful, dramatic stories or of "Thirteen Reasons Why," this book is for you! "The Future of Us" can be purchased at Books a Million. Be sure to ask for the Book Club discount to receive 20% off your purchase of the book.
> Book Club will meet to discuss the novel on Thursday, December 15 at 2:45, immediately following study hall. If you have any questions or concerns, see Ms. Soper in room 703.


SENIORS - - don't forget to stop by the Library Media Center and sign the senior ornament!

Listen out for winners of December Library Lunacy's book a day giveaway,
which will lead up to our Nook E-Reader Drawing.
Remember you must have no fines or overdues in order to win!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Children's Play


Science club

> Science club will meet next Wednesday on Dec 7th. We will be selling candy this month and giving out science club t shirts! Mrs. Campbell's room 205 at 7:15.


> If you missed the NHS meeting this morning . . .
> members who are graduating at Semester need to see Mrs. Augspurger
> about requirements in order to graduate with NHS membership honors - - NO EXCEPTIONS!
> The Library Media Center will be open at 7:00 a.m. December 1st for students
> who want to read or research.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Spanish Club

> Attention Spanish Club: There will be a very important meeting tomorrow to discuss the Justo Concert! Please meet in the girls gym at 7:15. Remember, the concert is next week on Wednesday December 7. Also, if you have not picked up your Spanish Club shirt, they are available in Mrs. Gollhofer's room, 202.

Children's Play

> The script reading for the children's play has been postponed until this Friday night at 6:30. It will be held in room T-2 and any student interested may attend. It will last about two hours.

Yearbook Order Form Announcement

This Friday, Dec. 2nd, will be the last day to turn in yearbook order forms if you want to be entered into the $50 drawing.  You may turn in order forms to room 100 or give them to your homeroom teacher.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Girls Soccer

There will be a meeting for girls interested in girls soccer in the gym during homeroom on Wednesday November 30. Come directly to the gym.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Lids needed

As you finish up your Thanksgiving dinner be on the look out for plastic lids.  The kind you will find on the butter and Cool-Whip.  Mrs. Nancy O'Banion needs at least 300 to create costumes for the children's play.  There will be a box underneath the red Cardinal Coupon bin to drop them off in.


> If you want to be placed in the drawing for $50 have your yearbook order
> forms turned in by Dec. 2nd. It doesn't matter if you mark yes or no, you
> will be placed in the drawing for returning it. Give them to your homeroom
> teacher or bring them to room 100.


> JROTC will be conducting Service Learning next week. White Company will go
> on Monday, 28 Nov and Red Company on Tuesday, 29 Nov. The bus will leave
> around 1500 and return to the school at approx 1600. All cadets are
> encouraged to wear their uniform.

Art Club

> Reminder: Art club is making ornaments for Tornado victims today. Will count for Art Honor Society hours, too


> FCA leadership meeting is next Wednesday at 7:15am

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Attention ladies
Girls ages 14-17
Violet Richardson Award program is sponsored by the Soroptimist club.
Applications due Dec. 1, 2011

Awards vary. Winners and organization for which they volunteered could receive awards.

Eligibility includes
"have demonstrated initiative in both identifying a problem and trying to solve it"
"have had significant and noteworthy accomplishments as volunteers."

If interested contact Jerry Walker immediately! He has details regarding the application information.

Terry Rose

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Senior Personality Ballots

> Announcement: Senior Personality ballots are due by noon on Friday. Please
> give the ballots to your homeroom teacher or bring them to room 100.

Science Club

> Science Club is working the concessions on this Thurs Nov 17 for the jr. high basketball If you are not going to sell candy come by and see Mrs. Campbell to sign up to work. Also the field trip to the Waste Water Treatment plant is this Friday. We will leave at 2:00 and return by 3:30. Sign up with Mrs. Campbell if you are interested in going. Thank you.


> Seniors - please inform your parents there will be a Project Graduation meeting on Tuesday, November 29th at 6:30 p.m. in room 103.

Soccer Players

> Soccer Players make sure to sign the poster in Coach Moser's room. Dont forget the banquet tonight 6pm.

Tutoring Hours

> Tutoring hours available for Juniors and Seniors: During study hall every day, except Wednesday, in the library conference room.


> The next FCA Leadership meeting will be the Wednesday morning after Thanksgiving. FCA this Thursday at 7:00 am in the girls gym.


Reminder to all FCCLA members: Our fall social is today at 2:45 in room 103.  We will be having pizza and other snacks.  To get in you must donate a non-perishable food item for our Thanksgiving basket.  Hope everyone plans to attend.


If you wish to order books order forms are available in Library.
Scholastic Book orders are due with money to Library
by November 22nd. Thank you.

French club

EMERGENCY French Club meeting this Thursday at 7:20!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Community Service Reminder

If you signed up to work at Bess Truman School Carnival remember it is on Thursday, Nov. 17 (4:30-7:30)

You should sign in at the Bess Truman office and be sure to sign out when you leave.    This proves that you worked at this event!!! Mrs. Hollingsworth will send Mrs. Rose proof of your work for your honor diploma!!!

If you are not going to work contact Mrs. Rose or Mrs. Hollingsworth at 673-6055.

Arrive at 4:30 and you will work until 7:30 in order to earn 3 hours.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Harry S Truman 

Weekdays tutoring is available

No tutoring on parent teacher conference days.  

Tuesday,  Wednesday, and Thursday 

Times for tutoring:   


Procedure at Harry S Truman


Monday, November 7, 2011

Footloose Performance

> Footloose performance has been moved to Dec. 8th, 9th, and 11th.

Blood Drive

If you signed up to donate blood, please turn in your permission slip to Mrs. Beem by Wednesday morning. The blood drive is this Friday from 8-2. Remember to eat a good breakfast and drink plenty of fluids (not pop) prior to your donation.


> Any FCCLA member that would like to order an FCCLA shirt needs to bring $9.oo to Mrs. Livingston or Mrs. Cook by this Friday.

Key Club/ Congrats Insight Staff

> Key Club will meet THIS FRIDAY at 7:15 in Ms. Pace's room to make up for today's meeting. We will have elections for officers and get caught up on this month's activity. BE THERE.
> Anyone wanting to run for an office for Key Club needs to stop by Ms. Pace's room to pick up a nomination form. These need to be returned by the end of school THIS Wednesday so that the ballots can be completed and ready for Friday's meeting.
> After school this Friday, November 11, Key Club will be delivering the canned goods from Trick-or-Treating for cans to local food pantries. Please sign up in Ms. Pace's room if you would like to help deliver these items.
> Also, don't forget to sign up to help set up or clean up (or BOTH) at the fundraiser for Marty Mann. It is THIS coming Saturday at the Elks' Lodge in Webb City. This event will be a big help for the Mann family and a great time to hang out with Marty. Sign up in Pace's room to help out.
> Congratulations to the 2010-2011 Webb City High School Insight staff for their 3rd place Overall Best Newspaper finish at last week's Missouri Southern Media Day. Want to know what all that fuss is about? Check the Insight out online at


FCCLA Fall    Social


Tues., Nov. 15



To attend you must bring a non-perishable food item to make a Thanksgiving Day basket for a needy family.


Footloose Cast and Crew

> Footloose cast and crew meeting today at 3pm in Barton. This meeting is mucho importante' !!!!!!!

College Rep

> Representative from University of Central Missouri will be here on Tuesday, November 15th at 1:15 p.m.
> Any senior interested in attending needs to sign up in the counseling center before that day.

Science Club

> Science Club Meeting this Wednesday at 7:15 in Mrs. Campbell's room, 205. If you haven't paid dues please do so this meeting. We will be discussing our next trip.

French Club

> French Club members need to turn in their candy money as soon as possible. it is past due.


> Libary Media Center will open at 7:00 am on Tuesday, November 8th
> for students to read and research.
> Scholastic book orders are being taken in the Library Media Center until November 22nd.

Book Club

Book Club's November selection is Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs. Books can be purchased at Books a Million for around $13. Be sure to ask for Ms. Soper's book club book behind the desk to get the discount. 

Book Club's next meeting will be Thursday, November 17 at 2:45, immediately following study hall. 

If you have any questions or concerns, see Ms. Soper in room 703. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Interested in Medicine?????

Juniors interested in medicine may want to apply for the Mini Medical School at the University of Missouri in Columbia.    This uniquie one week summer experience is for students who are current juniors who are academically talented & want a preview of medical school. 

Sessions are June 17-21, 2012 or
June 24-28, 2012

The fee is $525.  $250 is due after students receive notification of acceptance
Scholarship/financial aid is available
The application postmark deadline is March 1, 2012

Contact Mrs. Rose as soon as possible if you are interested!

Interested in engineering? Checkout the variety of summer camps available through Missouri University of Science and Technology. Lots of camps are offered.

Dates for the 2012 summer programs not be posted until Feb. 1, 2012. If you want more info contact Mrs. Terry Rose.

Terry Rose

If you signed up to work at the Carterville School Carnival remember it is on Friday, November 11 (5-8:00)

You should sign in at the Carterville office and be sure to sign out when you leave.    This proves that you worked at this event!!! Dr. Storm will send Mrs. Rose proof of your work for your honor diploma!!!

If you are not going to work contact Dr. Storm at 673-6080 or Mrs. Rose.

Arrive at 5:00 and you will work until 8:00 in order to earn 3 hours.

If you signed up to work at the Mark Twain Fall Harvest Carnival remember it is on  November 10 from 5:00-8:00 p.m.  You should sign in at the Mark Twain office and be sure to sign out when you leave.    This proves that you worked at this event!!! Mrs. Shelley will send Mrs. Rose proof of your work for your honor diploma!!!

If you are not going to work contact Mrs. Shelley at 673-6050 or Mrs. Rose.

Arrive at 5:00 and you will work until 8:00 in order to earn 3 hours.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fwd: announcements are today

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jackie Daugherty <>
Date: November 1, 2011 10:38:13 AM CDT
To: Jennifer Beem <>
Subject: Re: announcements are today

ATTENTION JUNIORS:  Another opportunity to earn a free prom ticket is available.  Work at the concession stand at tomorrow night's playoff game.  We need at least 10 people to work.  Sign up sheet is outside Mrs. Daugherty's room in the 600 hall.

On Nov 1, 2011, at 8:43 AM, Jennifer Beem wrote:

Please send by noon

Give a Penny--Feed Many Campaign

This year, we are having a homeroom challenge to raise money for Webb City families in need. For every $30 raised, we can provide a Thanksgiving dinner for a family of four. Bring your spare change to your homeroom teacher by November 17.
> The top three donors for today in our Give a Penny Fee Many Campaign are:
> Uselmann $6.24
> Sears $5.97
> Cornell $4.00
> The total collected today was: $30.17. We are off to a great start! Let's keep the change coming!

Spanish Club

> There will be an EMERGENCY Spanish Club meeting tomorrow morning at 7:15 in Mrs. Gollhofer's room. We have a couple very important issues to discuss, so please be there!!!!!


Announcement 1:
Library Media Center Extended Hours
Thursday, November 3rd
OPEN at 7:00  CLOSE at 4:00

Tuesday, November 8th 
OPEN at 7:00 Close at 3:00

These times are a great opportunity for seniors researching to make use of our wonderful facilities.

Announcement 2:
Scholastic Book Order Sheets available in Library Media Center
Orders and monies are due November 22nd.

Announcement 3:
National Honor Society Meeting
November 29th at 7:20 in Library Media Center
If there are any more donations please get those turned in for final amounts going to Scholarship Fund.

Boys Soccer

> Boys Soccer meeting today at 3pm in the locker room. Please bring all gear. JV and varsity players need to be there.

Art Club

> Art Club members signed up for Saturday's trip need to see Mrs. Mintert by Thursday.

Blood Drive

There is a Blood Drive on Friday, November 11. Each donation can be used to save 3 lives! You must weigh 110 pounds and be at least 16 years old. Parental consent is required of all students. See Mrs. Beem for more details.

College Reps

> Visiting College Representatives-
> University of Central Missouri - Tuesday, November 15th 1:15 p.m.
> Ozark Technical College - November 9th In Lunchroom during all lunches

Girls Swim Team

Girls Swim Team pre-season meeting tomorrow, Wednesday November 2nd. Get information and order gear--you need to be there!

JROTC Fall Dance

> The JROTC Fall Dance will be Friday Night in the High School Cafeteria from
> 1900-2200. The theme is the Wild Wild West. So come dressed and ready to
> have some fun. There is NO cost to attend. Make sure you sign up your
> dates.
> JROTC Cadets and Honor Guard marching in the Joplin Veteran's Day Parade
> need to be at the bus turn-around at 0830 on Saturday morning in full
> uniform. Estimated time of return is 1300.
> JROTC Round 2 Essay's are due November 3rd.


> All FCCLA members please plan to attend the FCCLA meeting Friday morning at 7:15 in room 103.


> FCA Summit is Nov. 19th. Those that are interested in going need to see Mrs. Smith and turn in paperwork Thursday. The FCA Summit is at College of the Ozarks and includes a ticket to Silver Dollar City.

Friday, October 28, 2011

>> Community Service Volunteers : Help needed for Parenting classes at Madge T James the 3rd Monday of each month starting Nov. 21. Interested in helping with child care? Contact Cathy Hall at Franklin 673-6070.
Terry Rose
Junior Honor Diploma students Nov. 1st is the last day for sign ups for the University of Arkansas trip.
Terry Rose

National Honor Society/Stuco Carnival

All students throughout the Webb City school district are invited to attend the National Honor Society/Stuco Carnival tonight starting at 6:00. There will be lots of carnival games set up that cost 25 or 50 cents to play as well as some really neat silent auction items. There is also a dodgeball match that includes a stuco, NHS, and teacher team that starts at 7:30.

All National Honor Society and student council members need to be there at 5:15 to set up. PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING A BOX OF LITTLE DEBBIE SNACKS! Also, don't forget to dress up in your NON-SCARY Halloween costume.

If you signed up to work at Eugene Field Elementary School on FRIDAY, Nov. 4th (5:00-8:00)
you should sign in at the E.F. office and be sure to sign out when you leave.    This proves that you worked at this event!!!  Mrs. Thomas will send Mrs. Rose proof of your work for your honor diploma!!!

If you are not going to work contact Mrs. Thomas  at 673-6040 or Mrs. Rose.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Boys Basketball

> Boys Basketball Tryouts will begin on Monday, October 31 at 3:30 in the Boys Gym. You must have a physical in order to tryout.
An additional item regarding Missouri Fine Arts Academy!  New this year!

Current Sophomores and Juniors who are interested in applying to the Missouri Fine Arts Academy.  If you want to apply in ANOTHER artistic discipline other than visual arts, theatre, dance, creative writing, and instrument or vocal music contact Mrs. Rose as soon as possible. 

Tuition is $1500.  Scholarships are available for students who qualify for free or reduced school meals.  Applications must be postmarked by December 14, 2011.  THIS APPLICATION IS VERY DEMANDING THEREFORE interested students should contact Mrs. Terry Rose AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Red Ribbon Week

Next week Stuco will be having activities to promote awareness of Red Ribbon Week.
Dress Up Days:
Monday Scare off drugs! Wear your halloween costumes--must be school appropriate!
(face painting is allowed)
Tuesday Put a cap on drugs! Wear a hat.
Wednesday Don't let drugs make you Crazy! Wear your most crazy mis-matched clothes.
Thursday Rock your way into a life without drugs. Dress up as a rockstar.
Friday Show your Drug Free Cardinal Pride--Big Red Day
Remember: No shorts on any day! All students have to follow the dress codes in the planner.
There will be a special assembly at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday. We will have a guest speaker from Missouri Highway Patrol.
Homeroom Competition:
There will be statistics posters posted around the school all week in random places. These facts, along with statistics from the assembly can be used to answer a quiz that will be given in homeroom on Friday, November 4. The winning homeroom will receive a prize. In the case of a tie, there will be a drawing to determine the winner.

Class Shirts

Class Shirts are in! You can pick yours up today after school in Mrs. Beem's room (403).

Key Club

> Key Club is selling donuts this week in the cafeteria before school. Donuts are 75 cents each or 2 for $1. Come hungry, leave a helper!
> Attention Key Clubbers, please sign up for Trick or Treat for Canned Goods in Ms. Pace's room. Friends of Key Club members are welcome to come help out! It's going to be a great day. All donated canned goods will go to help local food pantries stock their shelves for the upcoming holiday season.
> There is STILL TIME to order t-shirts and bracelets to help support the family of Marty Mann, WCMS 6th grader with spine cancer. Pick up forms from Ms. Pace in Room 200. Money and order forms are due by Oct 31 at 3 p.m.


> FCA Leadership meeting this Wednesday in Mrs. Smith's room at 7:15

JROTC Drill Team

> Practices for the JROTC Drill Team starts Monday, 31 Oct at 0600 in the
> Girls Gym.

College Reps

The following college representatives will be visiting the high school.
> Any interested seniors need to sign up in the counseling center.
> University of Missouri - Columbia Wednesday, October 26th 8:30 a.m.
> Drury University Thursday, October 27th 9:30 a.m.
> University of Arkansas Tuesday, November 1st 9:30 a.m.
> University of Central Missouri Tuesday, November 15th 1:15 p.m.

Book Club

Book Club Announcements:

Book Club shirts are in! If you have not already picked up your shirt, come by Ms. Soper's room (703) after school!

Book Club's October meeting will be Wednesday, October 26 at 2:40. We will be discussing The Lord of the Flies. Come and enjoy interesting discussion and delicious treats! 

Thursday, October 27 at 2:40, Book Club will be watching a film adaptation of The Lord of the Flies.

If you have any questions or concerns, please see Ms. Soper in room 703. 

Science Field Trip

Any science student that is interested in going to the taadermy project this thursday go by and see Mrs. Hill and sign up. We will be leaving at 2:15 and return around 4:45pm.   Must be eligible grade wise to attend and have paid your $5 dues.

PLAN test

PLAN test will be given to all sophomores this Wednesday, October 26.  Sophomores will report to their 1st block class for attendance then go to their assigned testing rooms.  Homeroom teachers will have specific information.  Students should bring #2 pencils with eraser and a calculator.  


> Scholarship Carnival is this Friday from 6-9
> NHS Members - - Meeting 7:15 Tuesday Morning Library Media Center
> You NEED to be there

Picture Retakes

> Picture Retake day will be Tuesday, November 8th. If you have already taken
> your pictures and want retakes please remember to bring your originals with
> you.

Spanish Club

> Congratulations to the new Spanish Club officers: President Jacob Romero, Vice President Bryan Gibson, Secretary Felicia Severson, and Treasurer Sarah Russell. Don't forget Spanish Club members you need to let Mrs. Daugherty or Mrs. Gollhofer know by Friday October 28 if you are selling candy this year.
All juniors planning to go on the Nov. 30th tour of the University of Arkansas need to turn in the permission slips to Mrs. Rose as soon as possible! Last day for signups is NOV> 1ST!

Terry Rose

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Community Service Reminder If you signed up to work at the Madge T. James Kindergarten Fall Festival.
Friday, October 28  5:00 -8:00 p.m.

Please be sure to sign in with Mrs. Green and sign out with her when you leave.
This will serve as documentation that you worked the event. Mrs. Green 
will send the document to Mrs. Rose.

If you cannot work, please contact Mrs. Green @ 673-6075

Please arrive at 5:00 (set-up) and work until 8:00 (clean-up) in order to earn 3 hours.

Thank you for volunteering!  You may wear a "child friendly" costume to the festival. No scary costumes will be allowed.

Students interested in The United States Achievement Academy Scholarship Foundation need to contact Mrs. Rose BY OCT. 26TH, 2011.  Students should have a 3.0 gpa and  selection criteria includes motivation, attitude, dependability, responsibility, and leadership qualities.

Students can be recognized in the USAA National Awards Yearbook featuring a listing of their accomplishments.  Students can be listed in this publication at no cost; purchase of the yearbook is strictly voluntary.  In addition, students in grades 5-12 have the opportunity to apply for one of the Foundation's 400 educational cash grants, plus the $10,000 Dr. George A. Stevens Founder's Award.

Attention seniors!
Any senior who is applying at the University of Arkansas/Fayetteville and needing reference letters should contact Mrs. Rose as soon as possible. This is especially important for students applying for the Fellowships.

Terry Rose

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

must be announced ASAP

Current Seniors
Last May information regarding Fine Arts in the Fours States scholarship was put in the announcements and was directed to you as a juniors so you would know about this opportunity for your senior year.  The announcement information was as follows 

 Fine Arts in the Four States will be celebrating its fifth year of awarding performance scholarships to two outstanding area seniors.  If  a talented student is interested please visit the web site .  There you will find our guidelines and entrance forms for next years recipients.  There is also a page dedicated to past winners.  We would be excited to have  students be one of our 2012 recipients.   If you have further questions you may contact   

This is an email we just received from Janis Saket
This is just a reminder that the application deadline for our scholarship is this Friday, Oct. 21.  
The application form can be found on our web site at  If you need an extension to turn in your application please let me know.  I will also be happy to answer any questions you may have concerning the scholarship or the application.  I can be reached at or by phone at 620-232-6128.  I'm looking forward to hearing from you. 
Janis Saket

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Powder Puff

Students may sign up to participate in Powder Puff at lunch on Wednesday, October 19 and after school on Thursday, October 20. Any girl may play and any boy may coach. The cost is $15 per person which includes a t-shirt and the fee to play. The t-shirt is the entry pass to the field--no one will be allowed on the field that is not wearing the team Powder Puff shirt. This year, the front of shirts will have a phrase/slogan for each grade instead of a design. The back of the shirt will say the graduation year. Each grade must decide on their shirt color and phrase/slogan by this Thursday. Contact Mrs. Beem if you have questions.

Monday, October 17, 2011


> JROTC cadets interested in drill team need to attend the meeting in First
> Sergeant Attaway's room tomorrow morning, Tuesday 19 Oct at 0700.
> JROTC Leadership Meeting is Wednesday, 20 Oct at 0645 in First Sergeant
> Attaway's room. Bring your cadet issues and your cadet of the month
> nomination.
> Academic and Leadership Bowl teams will be meeting after school on
> Wednesday, 20 Oct at 1445. Academic team meet with Colonel Barentine and
> Le

Key Club and Unlocking your Potential

> Key Club will continue to accept orders for the tshirts and bracelets for Marty Mann, a 6th-grade WCMS student with spine cancer. Order forms are available from Key Club members or Ms. Pace in Room 200. Money and forms will be due to Ms. Pace on Thursday, Nov. 10 at 3 p.m.
> Also, Key Club members need to check the Key Club board in Ms. Pace's hallway today or tomorrow to sign up for projects, especially the Trick or Treat for Canned Goods prep sessions and collections.
> Donut sale will be next week, Oct 24-28, in the cafeteria before school. Donuts will be available at 7:15 and will be 75 cents each or 2 for $1.00. All proceeds will go to Key Club to help with their service projects this semester. Come hungry, leave smiling, and know you helped us help people! Thank you.
> Unlocking Your Potential begins today at 3 p.m. in Ms. Pace's room, 200. Don't be late.

Art Club/NAHS

> National Art Honor Society meets Thursday, OCt 20 at 7:15 in room 805
> Art Club be at concessions by 4:30 today


> The next FCA Leadership meeting is next Wednesday at 7:15 in Mrs. Smith's classroom.

French Club

> Special French Club meeting Tuesday (tomorrow) at 7:20 am. Bring Candy money.

NHS/Stuco Carnival

> NHS / STUCO Scholarship Carnival
> 6-9
> Friday, October 28th

Spanish Club

> Spanish Club will meet tomorrow morning at 7:15 am in the girls gym. We will be voting for officers, so be there!


> National Honor Society
> Meeting 7:20 Library on Tuesday, October 25th
> Library Media Center
> All book orders and monies due Monday, October 24th

Scholar's bowl

> Scholar's Bowl Meeting Wednesday, October 19th, 2:45, room 400.

Friday, October 14, 2011

College Rep

> A representative from Missouri S & T will be here today at 1:00.
> Representatives from the following colleges will be visiting the high school. Any interested junior or senior can
> sign up in the counseling center.
> University of Missouri - Columbia Wednesdau, October 26th 8:30 a.m.
> University of Arkansas, Tuesday, November 1st 9:30 a.m.


Terry Rose

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Science Club

> Science Club
> Members must turn in $5 dues by the end of this week on thursday the 20th. Turn in to Mrs. Campbell or Mrs. Hill also if you missed the meeting you must go by and let them know your t shirt size if you want one!

Powder Puff

There will be an informational meeting tomorrow morning (Friday, October 14th) at 7:25 in Cardinal Theater for anyone interested in playing or coaching Powder Puff this year.

Marty Mann Fundraiser

The Middle School is coordinating a fundraiser to help defray the cost of transportation, lodging, and other expenses for the family of Marty Mann, a sixth grader at Webb City Middle School. Marty has been diagnosed with childhood spine cancer and goes for treatment in Kansas City. Please feel free to participate with this fundraiser by ordering a t-shirt or bracelet (or both). Cash donations will gladly be accepted as well. You can get an order form from a Key Club member or Mrs. Pace. Orders with money are due tomorrow, Friday, October 14th, at 3:00. Checks can be made out to Webb City Middle School.

Student Section at this Friday's game

The student section for the Carthage game tomorrow night will be in the band bleachers. Students will need to enter the bleachers through the south gate by the track. Signs will be posted to guide you there. ONLY WEBB CITY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS WILL BE ALLOWED TO SIT THERE!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Interested in being nominated for the National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine?   Students should be current 9-12TH GRADERS who have demonstrated academic excellence, leadership potential and a special interest in a career of medicine.     

The average forum cost is $2,100.  Financial aid is available.    If interested contact Mrs. Rose as soon as possible.  No later than October 21, 2011.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


YOU ARE INVITED TO GO ON A TRIP TO THE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS/FAYETTEVILLE ON WEDNESDAY, WED, NOV. 30TH!!!!.    Leave time will be 6:15 am and the return to Webb City will be around 3:15.


Attention highly talented students who are currently sophomores and juniors.

Are you interested in applying to the Missouri Fine Arts Academy?  It is a 3 week summer residential program for highly motivated student artists in visual arts, theatre, dance, creative writing, and instrument or vocal music. 

Missouri State University in Springfield


June 10-June 30, 2012

Tuition is $1500 for instate students.  The fee for out-of-state students will be determined at a later date.  The fee includes all costs for room , meals, classes, activities(there is a small materials fee for some classes).  Scholarships are available for students who qualify for free or reduced school meas.  

Applications must be postmarked by December 14, 2011.  

THIS APPLICATION IS VERY DEMANDING THEREFORE interested students should contact Mrs. Terry Rose AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  


> Footloose Costume Crew is cancelled for today, we will reconvene on Thursday

Spanish Club

> Attention Spanish Club members - Our next meeting will be Tuesday October 18 at 7:15 am in the Girls Gym. We will be voting for officers, so be there! Also, if you signed up to work stadium clean-up, this Friday is our night! Meet Mrs. Gollhofer at 9:30 in front of the concession stand.

Art Club

> Art Club T-shirts can be picked up after 4th block.


> FCA is sponsoring Fields of Faith tomorrow night at MSSU's football field at 7pm Everyone is welcome.
> FCA is also sponsoring a 5th quarter party this Friday night after the football game. Come to the FCA meeting Thursday at 7am in the girls' gym to learn more about the 5th quarter party. Leadership be sure to turn in desserts to Mrs. Smith by Thursday.

Science Club

> Science Club Meeting Wednesday the 12th (tomorrow) at 7:15 in Campbell's room. It's still not to late to join, 5 dollar dues are due. We will also be asking tee shirt sizes, so please be sure to come. Also we will be discussing up coming activities.

College Rep

> The following college representatives will be here to visit with students.
> Any interested seniors need to sign up in the counseling center.
> Missouri S & T Monday, October 17th 1:00 p.m.
> University of Missouri - Columbia Wednesday, October 26th 8:30 a.m.
> University of Arkansas - Tuesday, November 1st 9:30


> The PSAT will be given on Wednesday, October 12th at 7:45 a.m. If you have signed up to take this test should have not received a reminder note explaining where to go and what to bring, please check in with the counseling center today.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Show Me Crowder Day

Attention Senior A+ Students:  You may sign up in the counselor's office for the "Show Me Crowder" day at Crowder college.  The day is Wednesday October 26, 2011. You must be a senior and be enrolled in the A+ program to go.  When you sign up in the counselor's office you must also list a major you plan to have in college.
The deadline for signing up is Wednesday October 19 at 3:00.
We will leave at 8:30 and get back at about 1:30.  You are responsible for all work missed as well.
Contact Mr. Walker if you have questions.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


YOU ARE INVITED TO GO ON A TRIP TO THE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS/FAYETTEVILLE ON WEDNESDAY, Feb. 23RD.    Leave time will be 6:15 am and the return to Webb City will be around 3:45.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Attention highly talented students who are currently sophomores and juniors.

Are you interested in applying to the Missouri Fine Arts Academy?  It is a 3 week summer residential program for highly motivated student artists in visual arts, theatre, dance, creative writing, and instrument or vocal music. 

Missouri State University in Springfield


June 10-June 30, 2012

Tuition is $1500 for instate students.  The fee for out-of-state students will be determined at a later date.  The fee includes all costs for room , meals, classes, activities(there is a small materials fee for some classes).  Scholarships are available for students who qualify for free or reduced school meas.  

Applications must be postmarked by December 14, 2011.  

THIS APPLICATION IS VERY DEMANDING THEREFORE interested students should contact Mrs. Terry Rose AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  

Monday, October 3, 2011

LifeChoices is needing volunteers to enter data in the computer.
If interested in volunteering call Shannon Wendt, Director at 417-437-3191
Tues October 11th at 4pm
Sat October 15th at 10 are opportunities to volunteer.  Call before volunteering.
531 E. 7th Street Joplin, MO.

Homecoming Activities

Dress Up Days
Monday:  Dress for Success Day
Tuesday:  Bad Hair Day
Wednesday: College T-shirt Day
Thursday:  Geeky Day
Friday:  White Out Day
**We will be keeping track of the amount of students dressed up per grade to contribute to the class spirit stick competition during hte assembly also.  

Pep Assembly
4th block on Friday starting at 1:10

6:30 p.m. on Friday, October 7, prior to the football game. 

Homecoming Dance
The theme is Techno on the Tennis Court White Out
from 9:30 to 11:30 at the tennis courts
wear white
Tickets will be on sale for $3 in advance after school every day next week and at the dance.  
All out of school dates must be approved by Mrs. Heman by Wednesday, October 5.  Pick up approval request forms at the main office.


> There will be an FBLA Meeting tomorrow morning in room 100 at 7:20. We will
> be electing officers, collecting dues, and discussing our community service
> project.


> There will be an FBLA Meeting tomorrow morning in room 100 at 7:20. We will
> be electing officers, collecting dues, and discussing our community service
> project.

Science Club

Next science club meeting will be Oct 12th 7:15am room 205 Mrs Campbell's room.  Dues of $5 will be due at this time! You may still sign up if you missed the meeting in September.
On Oct 3, 2011, at 9:06 AM, Jennifer Beem wrote:


> FCA will be sponsoring a 5th quarter party after the Carthage game next Friday night. This is being held at Christ Church of Oronogo and runs until 11pm. This is an event only for high school students only. Come to a FCA meeting to get more information. Everyone is welcome throughout the year to FCA and meetings are held Thursday mornings at 7 am in the girls' gym.


> FCCLA will have their new members meeting this Friday, October 7th, at 7:15 am in Mrs. Cook's room 103. We will be discussing the year's agenda and community service projects.


> There will be an FBLA Meeting tomorrow morning in room 100 at 7:20. We will
> be electing officers, collecting dues, and discussing our community service
> project.

College Reps

> College Representatives visiting the high school.....
> Missouri State University Wednesday, October 5th 12:30 p.m.
> University of Missouri Columbia - Wednesday, October 26th 8:30 a.m.
> University of Arkansas - Tuesday, November 1st 9:30 a.m.
> Interested seniors need to sign up in the counseling center.

Key Club/ WCHS Newspaper

> Key Club meets today at 2:45 in Room 200. Meeting will be over by 3:15. Service project sign-ups and donut sale sign-ups are in Pace's room. Please stop by and sign up even if you can't stay for the meeting. The next meeting is the Oct 17 at 7:15.
> Check out the Webb City High School newspaper online. Visit the district website and click the link or go to and see what's up in your school!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Senior Special Olympic Volunteers

Friday, October 7th
Leave class at 8:00.  
Teachers have a list of your names.  

Meet in the hall by the counselors. Mr. Mayes and Mrs. Beem will divide you in to two groups.  You will then board busses in the swimming pool parking lot area. ALL STUDENTS MUST RIDE THE BUS!

No lunch will be provided.  Bring a lunch and drink or money to buy a lunch and drink at the bowling alley.  NO FOOD SHOULD BE ORDERED & DELIVERED!

All students will return to the school for the assembly. One bus will return earlier to bring students who must help with the assembly.

If you have questions contact Mr. Mayes.