Monday, October 3, 2011

Homecoming Activities

Dress Up Days
Monday:  Dress for Success Day
Tuesday:  Bad Hair Day
Wednesday: College T-shirt Day
Thursday:  Geeky Day
Friday:  White Out Day
**We will be keeping track of the amount of students dressed up per grade to contribute to the class spirit stick competition during hte assembly also.  

Pep Assembly
4th block on Friday starting at 1:10

6:30 p.m. on Friday, October 7, prior to the football game. 

Homecoming Dance
The theme is Techno on the Tennis Court White Out
from 9:30 to 11:30 at the tennis courts
wear white
Tickets will be on sale for $3 in advance after school every day next week and at the dance.  
All out of school dates must be approved by Mrs. Heman by Wednesday, October 5.  Pick up approval request forms at the main office.

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