Attention current 10th and 11th graders!!!
Missouri State University is hosting the 3 week summer academy 2012 Missouri Innovation Academy. June 10th -June 30th.
$1,500 tuitiion includes housing, meals, activities, materials, supplies
Financial need bases scholarshiops are availale.
Should be interested in science, technology, business, engineering, leadership and entrepreneurship.
You must live in Missouri.
You must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or be in the upper half of your class. (Students who do not meet this requirement but show exceptional promise in math, science, business or technology may be considered based on recommendations from 2 teachers and/or community members in those fields)
Fifty students will be selected to attend this summer's academy. If the student does not receiive a financial need based scholarship, a $250 deposit will due in April.
Contact Mrs. Terry Rose as soon as possible if you are interested. The application is lengthy and is due Feb. 15, 2012.
Terry Rose
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