Monday, February 27, 2012


> There will be a FCA leadership meeting in Mrs. Smith's room on Wednesday at 7:15am.

Book Club

> The Cardinal Review's March book club selection is "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green. We will meet on Thursday, March 15th at 2:45, immediately following study hall. If you have any questions, see Ms. Soper in room 703.


Seniors - Pictures for the slide show are due by Friday to Mrs. Reed room 305!.

Yearbook Applications

> Wednesday is the last day to turn in an application to be on the yearbook
> staff next year. If you need an application please pick one up in room 100.

2012-2013 Stuco Election Results

Congratulations to the following students for being selected as members of the 2012-2013 WCHS Student Council.  

Current Freshmen to serve as 10th grade representatives next year:
Tyler Davison
Cameron Tournear
Callie Nuse
Delaney Melaven
Justin French
Tanner Yokley
Jaqueline Hernandez

Current Sophomores to serve as 11th grade representatives next year:
Beth Monroe
Stacy Spink
Jocelyn Wheeler
Arlyssa Moss
Lydia Proctor
Madison Anderson
Kaylann Badgley

Current Juniors to serve as 12th grade representatives next year:

Sarah Sewell
Madison Mitchell
Ellen Rogers
Laura Wald
Malachi Leece
Megan Swarnes

Vice President: Jordan Chaffee
President:  Abigail Naaykens

These students will need to enroll in Mrs. Cook's W3 Leadership class next year.  If any member can not fulfill this enrollment requirement, their position will be given to the first alternate.

Congrats to Showchoirs

Please join me in congratulating our outstanding showchoirs on an amazing competition season!

On Saturday at the Soundfest in Carthage, Bella Voce, our girl's showchoir (a brand-new, extracurricular group...all of the other groups they compete against are curricular ensembles that meet during class time),  placed 3rd in their class of 8 groups!  This is was only their 2nd showchoir competition ever!!!

The Webb City Singers have performed in 4 competitions this year, doing an amazing job in all of them!  At Nevada's Showchoir Classic they earned Best Ballad on the day and 2nd place in our class.  On Saturday at Carthage's Soundfest, they earned Best Closer on the day and received 1st place in our class.

Congrats to these amazing performers!!

Bella Voce
Tori Andro
Zoey Beck
Bailie Broadwater
Clara Campbell
Anna Carter
Jaycie Crockett
Emmy Dagnan
Katy Elmore
Sierra Frank
Hannah Frazier
Kylie George
Katie Hare
Megan Harlen
Danielle Iveson
Lacey Neal
Megan Shumny
Elizabeth Sisk
Makayla Stephens
Mackia Wagner
Noelle Wickenkamp

WC Singers
Alex Arrieta
Trenton Barnes
Brice Benham
Alex Buckland
Luke Dalton
Andrew Decker
Austin Gallardo
Bryan Gibson
Aaron Gossard
Ben Kesinger
Kyle Miller
Tuan Nguyen
Brett Sharp
Hunter Vaughn
Brandon Walker
Nathan White
Jalen Ybarra
Phoenix Bemo
Courtney Chambers
Lindsey Foster
Cassie Freitas
Kristen Gorda
Skylar Knight
Carley Lujan
Madison McElwee
Madison Mitchell
Rachel Nodler
Callie Nuse
Bailey Park
Brooklyn Park
Lydia Proctor
Amanda Richardson
Roxy Sacbibit
Sydney Snyder
Megan Swarnes
Jenna Talbott
Lauren White

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Webb City Parks and Recreation needs volunteers to help at the Easter Egg Hunt

Sat. March 31st
Volunteers report to the King Jack Soccer Field.
There will be a tent.

The hunt is from 1:00 - 3:00 but volunteers can help to set up anytime after 12:00.

In the event of bad weather, the Hunt will be moved to Sat. April 7th.

If you have questions contact Mrs. Rose at the high school or Tom Reeder at 673-3700.
Terry Rose

Thursday, February 23, 2012


> Can we announce that the R-7 Foundation Board Scholarship Application is now available and the deadline for this scholarship is Mar. 30th....... Please also announce that the General Scholarship Application is also due MARCH 30th.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


> FTA Events:
> 1)Meeting at 7:20 on Wednesday--MANDATORY MEETING FOR OBSERVATION DAY
> 2) Observation Day Friday
> 3) Last chance to sign-up for Dr. Seuss Birthday Read and Tshirt--see Mrs. Sears today!

Book Club

> Book Club's February meeting will be on Thursday, February 23, at 2:45, immediately following study hall. We will be discussing "Matched" and "Crossed" by Ally Condie. If you have any questions, ask Ms. Soper in room 703.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


> FTA Events:
> 1)Meeting at 7:20 on Wednesday--MANDATORY MEETING FOR OBSERVATION DAY
> 2) Observation Day Friday
> 3) Last chance to sign-up for Dr. Seuss Birthday Read and Tshirt--see Mrs. Sears today!


> Seniors - Pictures for the slide show are due to Mrs. Reed by the end of next week! Get them turned in. Also - if you didn't sign up for project grad, you still can, come see Mrs. Reed in 305 soon.


> Scholastic Book Orders are due with money to Library Media Center by Friday, Feb 24th
> NHS Nominees - - don't forget QA workshop for application and resume completion
> at 7:00 A.M. in Library Tomorrow - Wednesday the 22nd


> Would you like a free lunch from Bamboo? Follow the Cardinal Code and get nominated for student of the month. The winner each month receives one Bamboo lunch! There is a staff of the month award as well. Students can nominate any staff member by visiting the school web site, and staff can nominate students by following the emailed instructions. Let's recognize those individuals who make our school a better place!


> Prom committee will meet in Room 604 on Wednesday at 2:15 pm. We will be ordering our Prom favors (picture frames, glasses, key chains etc). Attend this meeting if you want to help pick out our favors.
> Sign-up sheets for the Spanish competition at MSSU are outside Room 604 - Mrs. Daugherty's room. If you are interested in competing please sign up for the events you are interested in. Make sure you sign up for the correct level.
> You have until 3:00 pm on Monday Feb. 28 to sign up.

Fwd: Announcements

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Jeff Manning" <>
Date: February 21, 2012 10:09:31 AM CST
To: "'Jennifer Beem'" <>
Subject: Announcements

Any student interested in being on the 2012-2013 yearbook staff should come by room 100 to pick up an application form.  All applications are due back by February 29th

Baseball Meeting

Anyone interested in playing baseball this spring, needs to attend the meeting on Thursday, February 23 at 7:10 a.m. in Coach Taylor's room.


> Senior video practice and shooting this Saturday at 1pm. Meet in the cafeteria.

College Reps

> The following College Representatives are coming to the high school to visit with students.
> Any junior or senior students may sign up in the counseling center.
> Lindenwood University Thursday, March 8th 10:00 a.m.
> University of Arkansas, Tuesday, APril 10th 8:00 am.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

for week of 20th

Community Service Reminder

If you signed up to work at Webster Elementary School Patriot Festival remember it is on Saturday, Feb. 25 (11-4)

You should sign in at the Webster office and be sure to sign out when you leave.    This proves that you worked at this event!!!  You do not need yellow or blue forms.  Mrs. Lee will send me proof of your work to Mrs. Rose.!!!

If you are not going to work contact  Mrs. Lee at 673-6060 or Mrs Rose.

Arrive at 11:00 and you can work until 4:00.  For Honor Diploma you can count 3 hours.

Mrs. Rose


> Seniors - your pictures for the senior slide show are due to Mrs. Reed by the end of February. Please bring a baby picture, and kid picture and a current picture. If you don't turn them in, you will not be included in the slide show.


There will a golf meeting Thursday Feb. 23rd in room 304 @ 2:45 for anyone that didn't attend the first meeting.  If you plan on going out for the golf team, you must attend this meeting.

Juniors--College Prep Scholarship

Attention Junior Students

Interested in Quest Bridge 2012 College Prep Scholarship?
For current high achieving juniors with low income
Program assists students to become good college candidates……

If interested contact Terry Rose as soon as possible

March 27, 2012 deadline

National Art Honor Society

> National Art Honor Society has been postponed until Thursday, February 23 at 7:15am. We will NOT meet tomorrow.

College Reps

> College Representatives coming to the high school. Any junior and senior may
> sign up in the counseling center.
> City Point Beauty Academy Friday, Feb. 17th 1:00 p.m.
> Lindenwood University Thursday, March 8th 10:00 a.m.
> University of Arkansas  Tuesday, April 10th at 8:00 a.m.


> All FCCLA members we are meeting in room 103 today to assemble breakfast sandwiches. Please plan to attend. Thursday morning we will be serving teachers breakfast and Friday members will be having breakfast.

NHS/ Library

> National Honor Society Nominees - - there is an application/resume work-time scheduled for WED FEB 22 at 7:00 AM in the Library.
> Bring your information and questions.
> Library Media Center will be open Thursday until 3:30 for students to read or research.

Prom Committee

> Prom Committee will meet today at MSSU in the Billingsley Student Center. Meet on the first floor in front of the fitness center at 3:30 today.

Boys Tennis

> Boys Tennis Meeting 2-21-12 room 202 7:20 am

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


WEBSTER Tutoring

Weekdays tutoring is available

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday ONLY
BEGINNING  February 13th - ENDING APRIL 18TH!!! 

Times for tutoring:   




Procedure at Webster




STUDENTS:   You are there to work and you must follow instructions given by the teacher.  You should not be alone with any student.  
A teacher will also be in the room with you.  PLEASE DO NOT USE YOUR PHONE AND DO NOT EAT OR DRINK AS YOU TUTOR. Basically obey all school rules and do not do anything inappropriate. Thanks so much for volunteering to help these students!

Sarah Lee
Principal, Webster Primary Center

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Special olympics

Attention Spring Special Olympic volunteers who signed up in the fall!
The date for the event is April 20th! Check your planners! If you can not go contact Mrs. Rose as soon as possible!!!

Terry Rose

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


> Seniors!
> Pictures for the Senior Slide Show are due to Mrs. Reed in room 305 by the end of February. If you don't turn in pictures, you will not be included in this fabulous memory. You need to turn in:
> 1 baby picture, birth to two year old
> 1 kid picture, six to ten years old
> 1 current picture
> If you have any group pictures showing two or more current seniors at any age, send those as well. Be sure all pictures are labeled so they can be returned.


> All FCCLA members need to see Mrs. Livingston in room 204 to get an informational paper about FCCLA week Next week.


> Track Off Season started Monday for all runners Distance runners will still continue to go every day sprinters and jumpers on Monday and Wednesday.


> National Honor Society nominees - applications are ready for pick-up in the Library Media Center!
> STUDENT workshop is scheduled for Wednesday, February 22nd at 7:00 A.M.
> if you have questions about resume or application process.

Science Club

> ---Science Club Meeting tomorrow at 715 in Mrs. Campbell's room, 203. Please come so we discuss upcoming competitions.
> ---Your "Covalently Yours" quiz results will be for sale Thursday and Friday this week before school in the cafeteria and during lunches Thursday and Friday. Come find out who your matches are! Results are only $1.00.


> There will be a golf meeting for any student who missed the first meeting 2/23 Thursday @ 2:45 in Room 304. If you plan on playing you must attend this meeting. There is important paperwork and information to pickup that is needed before you can participate.


> FTA Upcoming Events:
> We need at least 4 students to work concession stand tonight. Please see Mrs. Sears
> If you did not receive a slip from Mrs. Sears yesterday, please come by her room to know of upcoming events.
> Thursday--penpal Valentine preparation before and after school.

Stuco Elections

Do you have great ideas for our school? Do you have good attendance and at least a C average overall? If so, then you would make a good Student Council Representative. You will be required to obtain 50 signatures from students in your grade, 5 teacher signatures, and submit an essay. Then an election will be held in which all students get to select SEVEN students from their grade to represent them. Popular vote counts as 70% of the total points; and the essay counts as 30% of the total points. The top seven candidates from each grade will receive the position of Student Council Representative. All student council representatives must enroll in Mrs. Beem's W3 Leadership Class next year.

If you would like the chance to represent your peers by serving on Student Council, pick up an election packet from Mrs. Beem in room 403 beginning next Monday, February 13.

FAFSA help

> Get FREE help completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid:
> FAFSA Frenzy
> MSSU Public Safety Center Room 149
> Sunday, Feb. 13th 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Crush Sales

You still have time to purchase a "Crush for your Crush." Crush soda will continue to be for sale through the end of this week during lunches. You may send a "Crush" to anyone here at the high school for only $1. It will be delivered during W3 next Monday.

College Representatives

> College Representatives visiting WCHS....
> University of Arkansas Friday, Feb. 10th 8:00 a.m.
> Missouri S & T Wednesday, Feb. 15th 12:30 p.m.
> City Point Beauty Academy Friday, Feb. 17th 1:00 p.m.
> Lindenwood University Thursday, March 8th 10:00 a.m.

Senior Meeting

There will be a Senior meeting at the beginning of R1 in Cardinal Theater on Friday during the STUCO speeches. We will discuss the Senior Video. It will only last about 10 minutes and then Seniors will be dismissed back to class.

Prom Committee

> Prom Committee tomorrow is CANCELLED!!!!
> We WILL meet next Wednesday, Feb. 15 at MSSU at 3:30 pm.

Book Club

> The Cardinal Review's February book club selections are "Matched" and "Crossed" by Allyson Condie. If you are a fan of suspenseful novels like "The Hunger Games" since book is for you! Book Club will be meeting to discuss these novels on Thursday, February 23 at 2:45, immediately following study hall. If you have any questions or concerns, see Ms. Soper in room 703.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Crush Sales

Do you have a crush? Would you like to have a crush? Then send one! Crush sales will continue next week every day during lunch. This year, we are offering two flavors: orange and strawberry. Be sure to send one to your friends so they won't feel lonely on Valentine's Day! They cost $1 each and will be delivered on February 13th!

Stuco Elections

There are three candidates running to be your voice as President of Webb City High School next year: Jordan Chaffee, Abi Naaykens, and Sarah Sewell! We will be having a short assembly next Friday, February 10th for the three candidates for student council president to give their speeches and voting will follow in homeroom.

If you are interested in being the voice for your class next year by running for student council, be on the lookout for information on how to do so next week.

FTA February Book Drive

> FTA will be collecting books, and we will have a box centrally located at the office. The books are for grades K-4, as they will be donated to Bess and Harry S. Truman elementaries. We have the entire month of February to collect books. Thanks so much for your support!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

General Scholarship Applications

We have the general applications in the counseling center and they will be due March 30th.