Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Stuco Elections

Do you have great ideas for our school? Do you have good attendance and at least a C average overall? If so, then you would make a good Student Council Representative. You will be required to obtain 50 signatures from students in your grade, 5 teacher signatures, and submit an essay. Then an election will be held in which all students get to select SEVEN students from their grade to represent them. Popular vote counts as 70% of the total points; and the essay counts as 30% of the total points. The top seven candidates from each grade will receive the position of Student Council Representative. All student council representatives must enroll in Mrs. Beem's W3 Leadership Class next year.

If you would like the chance to represent your peers by serving on Student Council, pick up an election packet from Mrs. Beem in room 403 beginning next Monday, February 13.

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