Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fwd: Congrats!

Congrats to the WC Choirs on an outstanding concert last night!  These kids have worked their tails off and are ready to go perform in New York!

Thanks to all those who have supported the choir students by helping fundraise, donating items, and, most importantly, attending our performances throughout the year.  Many of these students have never been out of the Joplin area, and may never get the opportunity to do something like this ever again.  

We can go anywhere from here!

Make sure to "like" the Webb City Choir Boosters on Facebook to receive updates and follow us on our adventure!

Thanks to Bob Foos for coming out last night to get a photo for us!

Becky Long

Webb City High School
Vocal Music Director
417.673.6010 x 232

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