Monday, March 5, 2012

Library Read Day

We will be doing book drawings on Friday to celebrate "Read In" day at HS LMC

Missouri Revised Statutes

Chapter 9
Public Holidays
Section 9.137

August 28, 2011

Missouri school read-in day designated for second Friday in March.

9.137. The second Friday in March shall be set apart and designated as "Missouri School Read-In Day". It is recommended to the people of the state that the day be appropriately observed through activities that will bring about an increased awareness of the importance and benefits of reading and encourage greater emphasis on reading, both in the school and in the home. Missouri school read-in day recognizes that reading proficiency is a major factor in determining a child's success in school, regardless of the socioeconomic status, race, ethnic background, or educational level of the child and the child's family.

(L. 2011 H.B. 795)

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